"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 Peter 4:10
Each of us is has been blessed by God with our own gifts and skills - the things that make us unique. These gifts are not just to be used for ourselves but to also help support and grow God's Church. No matter how insignificant you feel your gift may be God can use it to help create something wonderful!
We have opportunities for all types of people to serve in the local church from making people feel welcome as they come through the doors, to helping with the sound desk or even joining our worship band! Find out more below.

Do you have the gift of hospitality? We need people like you to join our welcome team greeting people as they enter the church with a friendly face helping them feel welcome.

Do you know your way around a sound or lighting desk? or interested in learning how? Then being a part of set up, pack down and tech team is for you.

Do you have the gift of public speaking? Are you passionate about helping people hear and engage in God's word? Then we need your gifts in your team of readers.

Do you enjoy worshipping Jesus and have a gift for playing an instrument? Then we are looking for you. We are searching for musicians and singers to join our worship team.

Do you have a gift for prayer? Could you lead others in prayer during a Sunday service? Then joining our team for intercessions is for you.
If you feel that you can serve our benefice in any capacity then please complete the form below and someone will get back to you with further details.